Well, Lost has done it again. With the season finale, the writers have blown my mind. To warn you, I am about to go into a full "Lost my theory on the show" rant, so if you haven't seen the finale, or you just don't care, stop reading now.
What I think will happen is...
By Juliet falling into the well at the Swan location and setting off the hydrogen bomb she will unleash a huge pocket of time traveling energy which will move the island in location and time. Just like John and Ben both did when they turned the dial thing and the island moved and began jumping in time. The reason I think this will happen is because when the island is moved it taps into that same energy. The same energy that was held in a pocket at the bottom of that well that Juliet set a hydrogen bomb off next to. I think the reaction of the energy being released will cause the island to jump and basically flip out. Not knowing when it will rest.
As for Jacob and his enemy who "is looking for a loophole." This is the overall theme of mankind having decisions. Clearly, Jacob is the good entity (God) and the other guy is the bad entity (Devil). We have Jacob who gives the inhabitants of the island direction but lets them make their owns decisions about how they get there. He gives mankind the benefit of the doubt and believes that they are good. That is way, in the flashbacks, he visited major characters in a moment when they needed a little inspiration, like Sawyer at his parents funeral.
My theory is this, the island is a playground for good and evil. Jacob and the other guy, are allowed to bring "players to the island" and its a game of who can manipulate mankind into being the best it can be. Jacob wants them to excel and the other guy wants them to fail. Also, in the beginning when Jacob is fishing and the colonial boat is seen out in the distance and Jacob makes a reference that he is bringing them to the island. How long has this game been going on? When it does it end?