This was the worst piece of shit I have watched since that shitty remake of "Children of the Corn"
Brittney Snow plays Donna, a high school girl, who's teacher falls crazy in love with her. She comes one night after the movies to find her dad and brother murdered. She hides under the bed and is forced to watch her mother die at the hands of this killer teacher. Fast forward to 3 years later and she is going to her prom. Silver from 90210 plays her annoying friend, who I think dies first. None of the kids have died by this point (31 minutes in to the show.) The most aggravating factor is that we know who the killer is, we have known from the beginning. There is no mystery to who the killer is. Also, they don't even try to keep it hidden from us. The killer is kept in plan sight. Also, his attacks are unprovoked. I am not sure I want to watch anymore of this. I am hoping that there is a major flip, like, Donna is really fueling the fire by sharing letters and her plans with the killer. He was crazy in love with her and she played it up that she didn't love him, but secretly she met with him and kept him on a string.
That would be a good twist. Right now, this isn't a WTF in a good way. It is a WTF in a bad way.
Also, the best part. After a guy and Silver get into a fight and Silver goes upstairs, she totally gets killed. The guy is looking for her and Brit says to him. "You are going to lose her." And he replies, "yeah, right." Well, you did, loser. She is totally dead, and its all your fault.
This movie sucks. I am not watching it anymore....
So I watched it on mute while I watched another show. It pretty much ended like I thought it would. Except not as exciting as I had hoped. He tries one more time to take her, the office shoots the man. The End.