A group of people, on a ship, traveling to Earth. Where have I see this????
Oh, right, last year, on the same network.
It might be hard for some of you to believe, but I love SyFy, formally known as SciFi. I am a geek in the most sexiest form of the word. At least I think that, not sure if my theory is supported by others observations, but I will take their absence as support.
I was a fan of the Stargate movie. I was a fan of the television version, SG-1. I was a mild fan of Stargate Atlantis. It had flaws, but was entertaining. And from what I see, this new installment in the franchise, Stargate-Universe is going to join its fellow divisions as a show I enjoy.
The Pilot premier was on Friday at 9pm. I missed the first bit but I can pick up the storyline. A group of people, are forced to abandon their base on a different planet, through a stargate. So, most of the show takes place, on a ship, with flashbacks to how they were forced onto it. Which is annoying, because we already knows who survives the battle, because we see them on the ship.
The graphics are really good. Special effects, get an A plus. But I wouldn't expect anything less from SyFy.
Never seen any of the Stargate stuff. But I've always thought I would enjoy Battlestar, so I'd probably like this too. Now I just need to get past the horrible new spelling of the network name and give their shows a try.